Dean Cusano : Board of Directors

I started judging Jaguars for the Jaguar Club of Southern New England when I was 17 years old, I have been a JCNA member ever since. My personal and professional life both revolve around the Jaguar marque and it has been very rewarding. Along that long path of “Jaguar life” my many positions include being past president of JCSNE , a chief judge , a concours chair, a secretary, and an active board member for my home Club. I have Raced Jaguars, shown Jaguars and restored many Jaguars for some amazing and wonderful customers. Currently acting as a co-director of the Northeast Region of JCNA while managing and administrating 3 different Cause related car shows does use up my weekends pretty much every year but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Preserving the Jaguar Marque and Jaguar heritage and history is of utmost importance, and it has been my lifelong commitment to do exactly that. One of my most cherished achievements was to receive the “Andrew Whyte service award “ from my peers and Jaguar family which can only be paralleled to my personal gratification that stems from my Cause related shows and endeavors. I have judged for many organizations in addition to JCNA including many other foreign and domestic makes and I have been fortunate to connect with and befriend organizations all over the country. I look forward to sharing some of the workload of the Coventry Foundation because its cause is of paramount importance and the significance will only heighten in future years.