“Last week, George Camp with assistance from foundation
patron John MacLeod retrieved our most recent car donation
from Jim Stockton in NC . Jim decided to donate his beautiful
Jaguar MK2 Saloon to the foundation for permanent display
At our library in Columbia SC. George drove Jims donation back
To Columbia on a nice Sunday afternoon without a hitch. The
Car looks, runs, and drives excellent, and will make a great
Addition to the collection. It will be viewed and enjoyed by many
During the coming years. After talking with Mike Cook at JLR,
George determined that this was a very early MK2, #55. The car was
Built in 1959, has a 3.4L motor, an oil bath filter system (rare).
The original owner most likely was a military person working at Beale.
I have included some pictures for your enjoyment. Thank you Jim for
The donation, and to George and John for doing the pick up.”