Recently the Foundation has generously received two car donations. These donations coincide with our mission to possess a collection of original, well maintained, examples that can be used and shared with all in order to better preserve Jaguar history. The two donations, one East, and one West, are both great examples of cars which still retain intricate details just as they were shipped from the factory. This particular article, pertaining to the East coast donation, is about the 1987 Hess and Eisenhart XJS we received from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. This was a coach built car only in the US and Jaguar Approved. The one we now have is in great shape, and available for research in Columbia, SC. It is fitted with a brand new top as well as refurbished internals. Everything mechanically is in order and works as it should. All pertinent books, manuals, tools, and it’s history reside with the car.